May 24, 2016 Thought of the Day

Boulder Valley Rotary- Thought of the Day October 13, 2015
On September 12th, our second BeerFest occurred and now is over and done
Boulder Valley Rotary- Thought of the Day August 4, 2015

Be a Gift to the World, this Rotary year has been our theme.
But as we
live our lives day to day, what does this to us actually mean.
One place I
have found evidence of this almost every week,
Is in many
of the excellent presenters who come to us to speak.
We have
heard talks lately from some who have dedicated their lives to those with needs,
From providing
wheelchairs, better nutrition for children as well as aid to chronic refugees.
Within our club we volunteer locally with winter
coats, dictionaries for kids and mental health care,
And internationally to provide better crops,
health care and clean water in places where those things are rare.
For it is
apparent that many here at Boulder Valley Rotary firmly believe,
In that well
known and tested adage, it is Better to
Give Than to Receive.
Boulder Valley Rotary- Thought of the Day October 13, 2015
On September 12th, our second BeerFest occurred and now is over and done
The perfect
day was bright, sunny and very warm
Which good
for us, brought the thirsty out in a swarm.
Valley Rotary Volunteers worked with style and grace,
As their
blue shirts were to be seen all over the place.
Beer and
wine flowed and most everyone seemed content
And, nowhere
more so than in Marylee’s special VIP tent.
Did we make
money? Well, Brad Lesch will soon with us this share
But, as an
event to bring the club together, again it was beyond compare.
Boulder Valley Rotary- Thought of the Day August 4, 2015
of Polio
At this
year’s district meeting we were informed that early in 2016 it is expected
That future
generations, by the scourge of millenniums, will no longer be infected.
That Rotary’s
seemingly impractical goal of many years now in the past,
eradication of polio, would finally be achieved at last.
Well I
remember when I was young, before Dr. Salk’s remedy, the general fear
Here at home
each summer when new polio cases would begin to appear.
More than a
year has passed since the disease in Nigeria and Syria was mercifully
And now in a
small corner of Pakistan and Afghanistan, we have the monster isolated.
praise goes to the heroic health care workers in that world so fragmented
Who facing
death and hardships, assure that all at risk are being inoculated
That soon no
child need fear being crippled by this disease due to the work of this team
Makes me
extremely proud of Rotary and the near fulfillment of our impossible dream
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Boulder Valley Rotary-Thought of the Day June 9, 2015
When we at Rotary recite the Four Way Test,
“Is it the Truth” comes before all the rest.
But, often deciding exactly what is true,
Depends greatly upon ones point of view.
Fortunately we Rotarians have a source that is best,
When we explore further the other points of our test.
For when it is fair and beneficial to all concerned,
We are close to having our question discerned.
And if it builds friendships and good will to all in turn,
Then we in confidence to our quest can return.
For when these goals are firmly in mind,
With good values and principles we are truly aligned.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Boulder Valley Rotary- Thought of the Day April 28, 2015
And, as with most years, it has brought both promise and strife.
Conflicts, cruelty and distant wars dominate our views
While acts of grace and charity rarely make the news.
At Boulder Valley Rotary each week we come to celebrate what we know we’ll find
That we need but to look to see generosity, goodwill and people who are kind.
So as we sift through this overload from the world and our own land.
Know that the answer is surely close at hand.
For each of us carries within us the power to decide
In which realm of either hope or fear, we choose to reside.
And brisk, bracing autumn has come at last.
Another disappointing season for the Rockies is mercifully done,
While loyal Bronco hearts look to yet another Super Bowl run.
Mountain aspen are turning hillsides to fiery gold,
As oak and maple leaves show off their colors bold.
Fall is the time when we celebrate my favorite holiday,
When for Thanksgiving friends and family come to feast and pray.
These golden days we need to enjoy to the last,
For they will soon be followed by winter’s snowy blast.
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